Enjoy this phase of your child's life longer
Enjoy this phase of your child's life longer with photography


Enjoy this phase of your child’s life longer with photography

It’s the little things you want to hold onto. The ones you know won’t last forever, like the way they love being held, how they blow kisses, their sweet innocence, the funny things they say and do, how they like to play with you…

In a previous post, I gave you tips to be more intentional and add meaning to your photos. Today, I’ll give you a simple 5-step recipe to help you enjoy this phase of your child’s life longer with photography.


Steps 1 and 2 are described in detail in How to bottle up your memories with meaningful photography. In short, do a little planning instead of photographing everything in your child’s life. You don’t want to end up with so many photos that you won’t know what to do with them.

To begin with, pick one story to document. It could be a part of your day, one full day, a fun activity you often do… Refer to The Time-Stopper Guide for ideas. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, focus on that one story for all of the following steps. Then you can repeat with another story.

The Time-Stopper Guide will help you identify what matters the most to you and plan the stories you want to photograph. Download it here.

02/Get your camera out

Photograph your stories by answering the questions who, what, when, where, why and how. This will help you pay attention to your environment, the light, time references, details, the people involved, their actions, reactions and interactions. Find out how I tackle this task when I photograph families.

03/Choose the best photos

Now that you have all these photos on your phone or camera, go through them. Keep your favourites and the best ones based on the storytelling criteria mentioned above. Try to avoid repetition and keep a variety of images to tell a new part of the story with each photo.

04/Print your photos

This step is crucial if you want to be able to enjoy this phase of your child’s life longer. If you keep the photos on your phone, in the cloud or on a hard drive, they’re bound to be forgotten. In a printed form, they’re easy to see, they’re tangible, and you don’t risk accidentally losing them. They’re great conversation starters and they can also be seen by your child as often as possible without having to turn on an electronic device.

Your photos can be printed in many forms. Consider making a photo book to preserve your story in one safe place or print individual photos to keep and display in different spots around your home or office.

05/Display your photos and enjoy this phase of your child’s life longer!

Display your photos to enjoy this phase of your child's life longer

This is the most rewarding and valuable step! Now that your photos are printed, leave your book on a coffee table in the living room so everyone in the family can flip through it and enjoy the story over and over again. Every time you look at it, you’ll be taken right back to this phase of your child’s life!

Or display your photos on your walls to make them a part of your life. You’ll be able to cherish them daily, revisit your happy memories and celebrate the awesome little people that make your life so perfectly imperfect! They’ll also love seeing themselves in the house and will feel pretty damn good about it!

What are you waiting for? Start planning!

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I'm Marie-Pierre, an easygoing mother of two and a documentary family photographer. I believe we can all learn and grow from other people's experiences. Real life stories help us relate to each other, open our minds and feel better about ourselves.

this blog is a collection of featured client stories, tips, and articles on various family related topics. I hope you will find some inspiration!




I'm Marie-Pierre, an easygoing mother of two and a documentary family photographer. I believe we can all learn and grow from other people's experiences. Real life stories help us relate to each other, open our minds and feel better about ourselves.

this blog is a collection of featured client stories, tips, and articles on various family related topics. I hope you will find some inspiration!

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